Monday, June 4, 2012

Support Equal Pay!

For the last two weeks, supporters of equal pay have been making calls to the Senate, and we can't thank you enough. Well, we still need your calls, and we're excited to let you know that the toll-free number is still working, so please read on . . .
U.S. women need fair pay now -- and two minutes of your time could help them get it!
The Paycheck Fairness Act directly affects working women and families in your state and across the country. Nationally, a typical woman working full time, year round still is paid only 77 cents for every dollar a typical man is paid. PFA is the next step in closing this disparity. Call your senators today at 1-888-876-9527 and ask them to support the Paycheck Fairness Act!
Currently there is no broad prohibition against penalizing or even firing employees just for TALKING about their salaries. By keeping workers in the dark, employers prevent them from ever learning they are experiencing pay discrimination. The Paycheck Fairness Act changes that.
Your senators vote will be crucial in passing this bill that will help to close that wage gap.
STEP 1: Let your senators know that constituents want them to support the Paycheck Fairness Act. Women and families need equal pay in this economy. You can help: Call 1-888-876-9527 today.
Once you call, you will hear directions explaining how to speak with your senators, and then you will be patched through directly to their office.
STEP 2: Double your impact by forwarding this message to friends and family!
Women need fair pay now. Will your senators support equal pay? Every call counts, and the vote is expected next week! Your call is needed today. Please dial 1-888-876-9527.