Monday, December 19, 2011

Tell President Obama, Secretary Sebelius "Reverse Plan B Decision"

December 16, 2011
Take Action: Tell President Obama and Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Kathleen Sebelius to reverse their outrageous and purely political decision to overrule the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) determination that a form of emergency contraception is safe, effective and should be available over the counter with NO age restriction. Please take action right away.
Background: As most everyone has heard by now, HHS Secretary Sebelius overruled FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg's decision to make Plan B One-Step, a form of emergency contraception, available without a prescription and with no age restriction. The FDA's decision came after a federal court ordered the agency to reconsider an age restriction imposed during the Bush administration. The court characterized the age restriction as purely political and not grounded in science or evidence.
In fact, independent medical experts on an FDA advisory committee reviewing Plan B emergency contraception (levonorgestrelan) unanimously concluded in 2003 that Plan B is safe for non-prescription use and the same panel voted 23 to 4 to make it available without prescription, with no age restriction. The drug was found by the FDA as early as 1997 to be safe and effective; its approval has been repeatedly delayed at the behest of right-wing politicians and contraception opponents such as the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops - the same folks who are lobbying hard to reduce contraceptive access under the new health care law.
When President Obama took office he vowed to support only evidence-based science in decision-making in contrast to his predecessor, George W. Bush, and conservative politicians who often ignored or distorted scientific fact. Plan B is one of the most well-studied contraceptives in U.S. history; it has been used for years in dozens of other countries.
Distressingly, the Obama administration is now repeating the Bush administration's politicization of girls' and women's access to a safe and effective form of emergency contraception. This must not stand. The U.S. has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the developed world and young women need to have quick access to emergency contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Adding insult to injury, Secretary Sebelius and President Obama justified countermanding the FDA's decision by questioning the intellectual capacity of younger teenage girls. Said Sibelius: "It is common knowledge that there are significant cognitive and behavioral differences between older adolescent girls and the youngest girls of reproductive age." President Obama made it worse by agreeing and suggesting that "most parents would agree."
To the contrary, we suggest that most parents want lawmakers to protect their daughters' health, not play politics with it. And we have to wonder, where is the concern about the capacity of younger teenage boys to understand the instructions and warnings on a condom package?
The reaction in the women's reproductive rights community and by some of our allies in Congress has been strong. Fourteen U.S. senators, led by Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) are callling on Secretary Sebelius to provide the scientific basis behind her decision. A number of House members, led by Reps. Rush Holt (D-N.J.) and Gwen Moore (D-Wis.), also wrote the secretary expressing their disappointment at her decision. The Center for Reproductive Rights, which previously sued the Bush-era FDA for dragging its feet in approving Plan B, now plans to add Secretary Sebelius to its lawsuit.
In the face of this outcry, Sebelius publicly stated she wanted more research done -- which is just another example of stalling in the face of extremist political pressure. The government -- under two different administrations -- appears unwilling to listen to medical experts.
The real commonsense position, NOW believes, is to immediately approve Plan B One-Step for over the counter sale, without prescription and no age restriction. Millions of women need access to this safe and effective product and the U.S. must take "commonsense" action to reduce unwanted pregnancy, particularly among adolescents. Fifteen years of delay, obfuscation, heavy-handed politics and paternalistic preaching is enough!!
Take Action:
Call the White House at 202-465-1414 and ask him to direct Secretary Sebelius to reverse her ill-considered decision on Plan B One-Step and make this safe and effective drug available to all women -- regardless of age -- over the counter now. Then call HHS Secretary Sebelius' office at 877-696-6775 and tell her that women need unrestricted access to Plan B One-Step now and that no further studies are needed.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

NOW Action Alerts Nov. 9, 2011

HB 1958: Please call your state senator today and urge them to vote YES on HB 1958.
As you recall, HB 1958 bans shackling pregnant female prisoners. The bill as amended affects ONLY Cook County jail - not state prisons, downstate jails, or arrests by local police. Senator Hutchinson, the lead sponsor in the senate, committed to work with state corrections and the IL Sheriff Association on their bill, and we need to pass this Cook County version now. It addresses the safety of the mother and fetus and addresses correctional concerns by allowing exceptions when there is risk of harm or escape. It imposes best practice and government transparency through a reporting provision. Cook County has been using this framework since February 14 with no incidents.
HB 3207: Please take action today on HB 3027, the newest version of the Comprehensive Health Education Act.
This bill was amended to include comprehensive sex education and is on concurrence in the House. The opposition is putting out alerts full of misinformation on this bill, so we need you to call in NOW to counter their false statements.
You can also click here for a fact sheet:
Please go to to find contact info for your state representative or call the Capitol switchboard at 217/782-2000 and ask to be connected to your state representative. All you have to do is leave a message to urge your legislator to VOTE YES ON HB 1958 & VOTE YES ON HB 3207. Our downstate senators especially need to hear from us.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Anti choice often equals anti-contraception

This great commentary from the NY times by Gail Collins highlights the common phenomenon that anti-choice people are also frequently anti-contraception.  Bottom line, it's all about controlling women and our sexuality.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Senate votes down amendment to defund Planned Parenthood

For once, Republican Senator Mark Kirk votes the right way.  Senator Kirk voted "no" on this amendment.  Even if it's painful, please email Senator Kirk and thank him for his vote. Kirk

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Illinois NOW Urgent Action Alert

Illinois NOW has the following urgent action alert:

Tell Senate Executive Committee to VOTE NO on Senate Amendment 1 to SB 1123!
Senate Bill 1123 Amendment 1 by Senator Koehler amends the Civil Union Act to allow religiously affiliated child welfare agencies to discriminate against parties to a civil union and to refer the parties to a civil union to DCFS  for information concerning non-discriminatory child welfare agencies for adoption or foster family home applications, licensure and placements. A fact sheet from the ACLU is attached.
This amendment will be heard in the Senate Executive Committee early Wednesday morning (4/13/11). Call these members of the Committee NOW and URGE THEM TO VOTE NO TO DISCRIMINATIONCall all the members of the Committee by calling the Capitol Switchboard at 217-782-2000 and ask for the Senator’s office. You can leave a message with their staff.
Chairperson :Don HarmonD
Vice-Chairperson :Ira I. SilversteinD
Member:James F. Clayborne, Jr.D
Member:M. Maggie CrottyD
Member:John J. CullertonD
Member:Kimberly A. LightfordD
Member:Antonio MuñozD
Member:Jeffrey M. SchoenbergD
Member:Donne E. TrotterD
Minority Spokesperson :Dale A. RighterR
Member:Bill BradyR
Member:John O. JonesR
Member:David S. LuechtefeldR
Member:Matt MurphyR
Member:Christine RadognoR

Equal Pay Day

NOW President Terry O'Neill released the following statement on Equal Pay Day:

Gender Wage Gap, Current Threats to Economic Justice Linked
Statement of NOW President Terry O'Neill
April 12, 2011
Today we mark Equal Pay Day, which occurs at a pivotal time for U.S. workers, particularly women. As feminists call attention to the persistent gender wage gap, we would do well to demonstrate its link to the various ways government and big business are breeding economic injustice in this nation.
Tomorrow, President Barack Obama will offer his deficit-reduction plan for the 2012 budget cycle. Will he stand with women? Or will he, in the name of misguided "compromise" with extremists, support cuts in Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security?
Currently, women are paid 77 cents on the dollar compared to men. Women workers -- full-time, year-round workers, mind you -- have been stuck making between 70 and 80 percent of male salaries for two decades now. Equal Pay Day is a vivid reminder of this inequity -- it illustrates how far into the new year the average woman must work in order to catch up with what the average man was paid in the previous year. It's important to note that women of color's salaries, compounded by race-based discrimination, lag even further behind the average.
The wage gap makes women especially dependent on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. These programs keep millions of middle-class women out of poverty -- just one of the reasons a majority of voters strongly support these programs.
The Republicans' 2012 budget, introduced by Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, would voucherize Medicare, block-grant Medicaid and cut Social Security benefits, all in order to pay for increased tax breaks for corporations and multimillionaires. The Ryan budget is a stark betrayal of ordinary working women who already have a hard time supporting their families and saving for retirement on unequal wages.
Who will stop the Republicans from further dismantling the social safety net? Can we count on President Obama to stand up for economic justice?
Women will support those who take action to close the wage gap and preserve and strengthen Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. These are fundamental values that must not be compromised away.


It begs the question: what will President Obama do about the state of women in his plan for the 2012 budget? 

Do you plan on watching his speech tomorrow night? What do you think he will do? What do you think he should do?

Monday, April 11, 2011


We are pleased to launch our first official blog, where feminists throughout DuPage County and Illinois can unite and share their thoughts on women's rights, equality, and the patriarchy. 

We will be holding all comments for moderation, as we want to support our blog as a safe space for all feminists and womanists. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to getting to know you!

We also meet in person every second Wednesday of the month at 7pm. Please feel free to stop by! Head over to for directions.